Alexander Lingas’s Cappella Romana Playlist: Holy Week 2

Welcome to the third in a new series of playlists from the archives of Cappella Romana, featuring hymns selected from the Byzantine services of Holy Thursday and Holy Friday.

Next week I will be back with Easter music from the archives of Cappella Romana.

Meanwhile, please remember that streaming services return very little to their musical artists. If you have enjoyed these tracks, I encourage you to purchase them as individual downloads or full albums.

Thank you for your attention and, especially, for supporting the unique musical work of Cappella Romana.

Holy Week 2

Maximilian Steinberg (1883–1946), ‘Come Believers’ from Passion Week, Op. 13, Based on Early Russian Chants

Tikey Zes (b. 1927), ‘Receive Me, Today’ (Great Entrance and Communion Hymn for Holy Thursday), from Tikey Zes: Choral Works, and the following compilation

St Romanos the Melodist (6th c.), Kontakion on the Passion of the Lord, Prologue (short and long melodies) from Good Friday in Jerusalem

Baldassare Galuppi (1706–85), Troparia for the Burial of Christ, ‘Venice in the North’ – Live recording (Seattle, 2017)

Further Reading

The tracks by Steinberg, Zes, and Romanos are discussed at greater length in my essays for the booklets accompanying the following Cappella Romana recordings: Maximillian Steinberg: Passion Week (CR414-CD), Tikey Zes: Choral Works (Gagliano CD 501, 1999); and Good Friday in Jerusalem (CR413-CD).